primewire Interstellar 2014 Online Full Movie

  • Country - Canada
  • Year - 2014
  • Movie info - A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival
  • Writed by - Jonathan Nolan
  • director - Christopher Nolan

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I just realized that this was the last time he ever saw his son. It really was his last goodbye.

Is this the theatrical cut. When I hear this sound I feel like. ALIVE. From iraq : it's not possible! Cooper : no it's necessary. It's somewhat incredible that Nolan and Hans could fill up a place like space with emotions. Not fill with life, but with emotions. Miss this. Spends a hour listening to this Me: Mum you look different. Mum: It's because IT'S BEEN 7 YEARS. The moment he saw his daughter in the tesseract and couldn't do anything, I felt his pain,loneliness, desperation, and lost a man a soul in agony nowhere to go,dont know what will happen. Nice of you to name it after me. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA we didn't name it after you, you idiot. It saddens me too much that I we will never be able to discover the vastness of the universe. Maybe centuries in the future it will be possible but we will not be there to see any of it. I hope there will be atleast a colonization of mars during my lifetime.

Wife: What do you want. Me: I want to erase this movie of my mind, then watch it again. Wife: It's not possible. Me: It's necessary. Just imagine this being played as life slowly leaves your body, with your entire life flashing before your eyes. This song makes everyone think about their existence at once, everyone reading the comments are more or less on the same page and with a same thought of longing and curiosity. God bless all.

It's great music, great movie forever, it's the best It is perfection Happy New Year 4 every1 2020. 2014 was a great year for movies. This is not music. this is not songs. this is not soundtrack. this is not organ. this is frikking spirituality, given by god himself, trough the hands of artists, to the people to absorb, to understand what the movie's message is actually about. once u have gone trough the layers of the story, slowly starting to realize its about love, love traveling beyond time and space, beyond life and death. this masterpiece is none other than art. and we are thankful for that. Probably the best Sci-fi Movie ever created. Definitely for me. One of the most epic movie soundtracks and cinematographic achievements of all-time.

I fall in love with this music 💜💜💜. Cooper outsmarted a Robot by saying these words: No. Its not possible... No its necessary Best dialogue of century. Incredibly underrated movie in my opinion. Such a good concept and a soundtrack that still makes me tear up. When the camera cuts back to Cooper after Murph tell him its her birthday, its so powerful. Not only is he crying, but it is clear he has been crying as soon as she came on the screen. He looks so distraught with the decision he has made. A wonderfully acted and emotional scene.







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